Rabu, 18 November 2009
Pada zaman sekarang banyak sekali kejahatan yang dilakukan manusia bukan saja ada di dunia nyata melainkan telah merambah dunia maya. Berbeda dengan akibat yang ditimbulkan dalam dunia nyata, kejahatan dalam dunia maya “hanya” mengaklibatkan jatuhnya korban pada system computer yang dipakai. Meskipun tidak ada yang terluka secara fisik kejahatan dalam dunia computer tetap berdampak pada pengguna computer korban kejahatan tersebut. Dan dapat merugikan terutama kerugian dari segi waktu, belum lagi ongkos kerja yang harus dikeluarkan untuk memperbaiki kerusakan computer. Lalu biaya lainya yang harus dikeluarkan untuk melaksananakan perbaikan computer ini.
Oleh karena itu mengamankan sebuah computer atau jaringankomputer yang terhubung ke internet merupakan perkara teramat pokok, khususnya jika dalam computer atau jaringan tersebut tersimpan inforamsi penting. Karena itu agar dapat lebih waspada menghadapi setiap ancaman kejahatan yang dating via internet. Pengetahuan aneka ancaman ini berikut penangkalnya harus dimiliki oleh setiap pengguna PC terhubung ke internet.
Untuk membantu mengidentifikasi aneka ancaman dan gangguan yang muncul dari internet, uraian berikut ini bias menjadi rujukan berguna saat anda menjelajahi aneka situs web di internet. Berikut ini cara untuk melindungi diri dari dunia maya:
1. Virus
Virus computer meminjam namanya dari virus biologis. Istilah “virus” sendiri berasal dari bahasa latin yang berarti “cairan berlumpur” atau “racun”. Karena cara kerjanya sama.
Hasil pengandaan ini kemudian akan menyebar ke suatu program, media penyimpana seperti hardisk, atau dokumen tertentu. Sebagian virus akan begitu beraksi bila kode yang mengaktifkanya dijalankan. Beberapa lagi menunggu secara diam-diam sampai sebuah kondisi tertentu memicu dijalankanya virus tersebut oleh computer.
Yang kita tahu ada 3 jenis virus:
a. Penginfeksian file (file infection) jenis virus ini merupakan virus yang bekerja dengan cara menempelkan dirinya sendiri ke file-file program berektensi tertentu.
b. Penginfeksi system atau boot record hardisk virus ini merupakan jenis virus yang menjangkiti boot sector pada disket atau pada master boot record dalam hardisk.
c. Virus makro virus ini merupakan jenis virus yang banyak dijumpai pengguna computer. Virus ini umumnya menyerang software pengolah.
2. Trojan Horse
Trojan horse merupakan program diman a kode jahat atau berbahaya berdiam dalam sebuah program yang tidak berbahaya.
Mendeteksi dan membasmi Trojan bias dilakukan dengan cara memsang dan menjalankan antivirus-antivirus yang beredar di pasaran. Karena Trojan horse ini tersembunyi dalam program tertentu yang terlibal.
3. Spyware
Spyware ini merupakan sebuah program yang dipakai untuk megumpulkan aneka informasi dari sebuah computer. Namun proses pengumpulan informasi ini berlangsung tanpa sepengetahuan dan seijin penggunanya.
Beberapa screen saver gratis juga kadang-kadang disisipi spyware.
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dalam hening hati ini tersenyap..
termenung nmembisu menahan sayat..
dalam diam rasa ini menatap
bersantai dalam lamunan kosong
kegelapan warna yang melekat
dalam kesendirian aqu rapuh..
atas apa yang kutaruh
hingga daun mulai terjatuh
aqu rapuh..
seperti tanah yang tak dapat air berhari-hari..
aqu lemah...
seperti bunga-bunga yang berguguran
akankah ada tempat berteduh..
agar hati ini dapat bersandar
dalam rasa kedamaian jiwa ini..
dalam kerapuhan hati ini,,,
aqu rapuh,,,,
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Hadirmu arungi pesona hari2qu
Wajahmu ayu seperti namamu
Kau lugu bagaikan bidadari yang tersesat
Mencari arah kesana kemari ..
Kadang kau sebening embun di pagi ini
Kadang pula kau sekeras intan yang langka di makan waktu
Mei adalah saksi akan hadirmu..
Menatap dunia dengan aruma tubuhmu yang khas
Kau adalah warna dalam hati ini ,,putih,hijau bahkan hitammu yang selalu
Silih berganti mewarnai hati ini ..
Kau adalah lembaran yang melapisi kalbu
Kau adalah kau..
kau bukan aku,,
aku pun bukan kau..
tapi kita akan satu...karena...
aku sayang kau.
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Ini bukanlah untuk kau nikmati..
Seperti makan kenyangkan laparmu..
Ini bukanlah untuk kau hormati..
Sperti kopral terhadap komandanya..
Ini hanya kau rasakan..
Tanpa kau menyadari..
Seperti kau hirup udara ini..
Seperti kau terbangun di pagi hari..
Tanpa sadar kau tertidur..
Akulah yang kau btuhkan..
Akulah yang kau harapkan..
Sifatmu aqu tau..
Hasratmu tertempel dalam diriqu..
Dan namamu..
Hanya aku yg memberikan tingkatan teratas dalam nama_nama itu..
Karena...aku..aku…tau kamu...
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A Company often become involved in international trade by exchanging goods or services with another country-importing raw materials it my need for production or exporting finished product to a foreign market. Establishing these trade relationship it’s the first step in the development of a multinational business.at this stage however,the corporation’s emphasis is still on a domestic market. As trade expands, the corporation dealing’s with company or people outside the “home country” of that corporation increase.
The corporation then begins to view the whoke world as a base for production on marketing operations. The next step in the development of a multinational business is locusing on the world market. The company may establish foreign assembly plant, engage in contrac manufacturing or build a foreign manufacturing company or subsidiary. Therefore a multinational corporatin of company that is primaly based in one country and has production and marketing activity in foreign countries.
Since world war II multinational corporation have grown rapidly. The name and product of many of the multinationals have become whell-known in the world market place: International Bussiness Machines (IBM), royal Dutch Shell, Panasonic, cola-cola, and Volkswagen. Col-cola for example now has operation in more than 180 countries.
A multinational corporation operate in a complex business environment cultural, social, economic, political, and technological system vary from country to country. In order to operate successfully, a multinational company needs a basic understanding and appreciation of the foreign business environment.
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Accounting is frequently called the “ language of business”. Because of its ability to communicate financial information about an organization. Various interested parties, such as a manager, potential investors, creditors, and the government depend on a company’s accounting system to help them make informed financial decisions. An effective accounting system. Therefore, must include accurate collecting, recording, classifying, summarizing, interpreting, and reporting of information on the financial status of an organization.
In order to archive a standardized system., the accounting process follow accounting principle and rulers. Regardless of the type of business or the amount of money involved, common procedure for handling and presenting financial information are used. Incoming money (revenues) and outgoing money (expenditures) are carefully monitored, and transaction are summarized in financial statement which reflect the major financial activities of an organization.
Two common financial statements are the balance sheet and In the income statement. The balance sheet show the financial position of a company at one point in time. While the income statement shows the financial performance of a company over a period of time. Financial statement allow interested parties to compare are organization to another and/or to compare accounting period within one organization. For example, an investor may compare the most recent income statement of two corporation in order to find out which one would be a better investment.
People who specialist in the field of accounting are know as accounting . in the united state accountants are usually classified as public, private or governmental. Public accountant work independently and provide accounting services such as auditing and tax computation to companies and individuals. Public accountant may earn the title of CPA ( Certified Public Accountant) by fulfilling rigorous requirement. Private account work solely for private companies or corporation that hire them to maintain financial records and government accounts work for government are paid on a salary basis. Whereas public accountants receive fees for their services.
Through effective application of commonly accepted accounting system private, public, and governmental accountant provide accurate and timely financial information that is necessary for organizational design making.
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Senin, 16 November 2009
Financial statement are the final product of the accounting process. They provide information onm the financial condition of the company. The balance sheet one type on the financial statement provides a summary of what accompany owns and what is owes on one particular day.
Aseet represent everything of value that is owned by of business, such as property, equitment, and account receible.on the other hand, liatibilitas are the debts that a company owes-for example to supplier and bank. If liatibilitas are subtracted from assets (assets-liatibilitas),the amount remaining is the owners share of a business.this is known as owners or stockholders equity.
One key to under standing the accounting transaction of a business is to understand the realitionship of its assets, liatibilitas and owners equity.this is often represented by the pundamental accounting equition assetsequal liatibilitas plus owners equity.
These tree factorsare expressed in monetary term and therefore are limited to item that can be given monetary value. The accounting equition always remains in balance in other words, one side must equal the other.
The balance sheet expands the accounting equition by providing more information about the assets, liatibilities and owners equity of a company at specific time (for example, on December 31,1993).it is made up of twoo part, the first part list the company assets. And the second part detail liatibilities and owners equity.Aseets are divide into current and fixed assets .Cash, acoount receivable,and inventories and all current assets.property, bildings, and equipment makeup the fixed seets of a company.the liatibilities section of the balance sheet is often devided into creent liatibilities (such as account payabnle and income taxes payable) and long-term liatibilities (such as bonds and long-term notes).
The balance sheet provides a financial picture of a company on particular date, and for these reason it is useful into important areas.internattly the balnce sheet provides manager with financial imformation of the company decision making.externatly, it gives potencial investors data for evaluating the company’s financial position.
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Jumat, 06 November 2009
the rain is very happy
The rain was so heavy this afternoon. My wife, a simple woman who married 3 years ago seemed cool to his penchant for crossword puzzles. Ah, how simple it all at face always occurred guilt? Why can not I give all my love for him? The rain was a bitch. Each point of water is always scraping her longing. My wife? No,
My first introductions to happen ten years ago. At that time I have to follow the CCN of the most famous universities in
"Oh ... well yes Yok village ... ... ... Uih country like gods,"
"Morning .. Yok! Uh ... was good ..." and Tell him about the activities of his morning walk.
Whether, ultimately every morning we were always talking about corpulent it over coffee. I realize this woman next to him as well as independent remarkable intelligence. He could tell from Nitsche, stock prices, Picasso, Pink Flyoid to poverty. Incredible once he was awarded a scholarship exchange student, diligent play the piano and working part time (although she comes from a family that was enough). I'm more like being at his side.
In my eyes wit makes him so interesting, pretty and sexy. Until one night when we talked on the porch alone he surprised me with the statement, "Yok ... I was already not a virgin." I was so surprised, for someone like me who taught from childhood that a woman must hide her emotions, statements like this that shook my emotions
"Oh ... God ... this woman who I was looking for ..." I cried silently. How honest he was.
He talked about his love so much on his girlfriend, her grief because his girlfriend had never asked her to be his wife even though they have been dating almost 6 years. Without know for sure, I've fallen in love with him and a sad I did not dare express it. I just enjoy the days of my service learning. We played water in the river, the streets. Every girlfriend came, punched jealousy and pain that I was even a pompous style often encouraged him to the station to go home to see his girlfriend. Every time after the home, in the style of humor he told me about with her boyfriend.
Until one day, she and I went to my hometown of Solo to seek sponsorship for cheaper markets which we will hold. Our imperceptibly late.
Really! At that time I did not have any thoughts. And as I knew, loved my family Even my mother says, "He's just another yes Rini? Her child friendly and nice". Ah .. how much I want to say, "She's the woman I wanted to be my wife, mother".
"Yok ... I slept where?"
". It's in the front room." My mother was so eager to organize my room.
"Well ... Iyok sleeping where?"
"Let me sleep on the sofa in the living room".
My house is a bit strange, almost the entire room was in the back, only my room is located on the front.
That night I could not sleep restless. For some reason I so miss the
"Yok ... sorry ..." my t-shirt taken soon.
"Go ... sorry ... I ... I ... miss the Don". And he head. Perhaps the frankness crazy because it aroused my passion. Whether I was so sure of my filling him, my love and I want him to have me. I'll give him. Yes ... I'm still a virgin! Although I seriously dating for 4 years with Rini, I was a man who so appreciate virginity. In fact, I've vowed only to my wife will give. As there are supernatural forces suddenly I asked.
"But ... Yok?"
"I do not care
"You're so sincere ... Yok ...". Is that sentence out of his mouth. Then he kissed my lips, first gently once but more and more wild, laid me on the bed. His tongue licked my ear, down .. ... into my hands ... then down to my toes .. to .. top ... thigh ... oh dear! I've never done this. Rini I used to do only limited to 'passport photo', and even then with the used clothes. Suddenly a small bite me jerk, with his teeth, the opening of my shorts and underwear. Yes .. I was stark naked in front of him. Then with a gentle motion he opened, then her panties. I'm still in a supine position.
Between the confusion and turmoil extraordinary. With a sweet smile, sticks out her tongue
So ... it is done repeatedly. Until he said ... "Yok ... I want to give a gift that you can not forget". He then sat on top of me, just above my manhood.
She took my manhood continues to move so soft inclusion into kewanitaanya. Ugh ... ah .. moaning so fascinating. And I holding round ass. But soon he said "Shhh ... I will make you happy Yok!". Continue with the pumping motion and play, I felt all the blood flowing downward.
Sweat entire body. I felt him kissing pumping. Then dicengeramnaya me tightly. Aggh .. agh ... whole muscle stretch. Her nipples stood erect and into my mouth. Then with the wildness that had been imagined previously nipple as he returned "Ah ... hold on .. .. Yok ... do not stop" the attack wild. "Again ... again ... .. Yok is the third time ... let's Yok ..." And can I hold without spraying.
"Mas ... it's cold coffee. Why not drink?" Ah ... once again greeting my wife interrupts my thoughts.
In the quiet that comes
My confidence is fragile
own ...
You're not out promise
In the diffuse light blur
And the sound of dragging slippers
Who continue to follow me
my journey ... "
Rubber forest that was the same. The smell of wet earth, the sap of rubber, even a hut where the rubber harvesters still on edge. Neni wife was occasionally pursed his grip around my waist. The sky was dark, cloudy dancing with casually and bring the cold air hit our way to the village headman's house where I had my bike with corruption and age appears broken up a hilly street. Well, hopefully we will not attend the funeral of late mayor of kindness.
"Why do battered motor mas ... this just is not for sale. Sell Chinese motorcycles are also okay." my wife complained.
And as usual I just do not quiet know how to explain the real reason.
"Ha .. ha .. Yok ... it's not a motor bike Onthel"
"Ah .. you're not cool. Ric wrote angrily" He turns scowled and clenched his mouth. Lines hardened face, forehead Why? Ouch? I swear, I did not mean to offend him. I'm desperate
"... Somebody
"Unfortunately yes?" asked spoiled (new kusadar, he did not reveal this indulgence to anyone as long as we are learning. Is this how she does Don? Damn! soon get out of this bad feeling). I looked in the eyes funny. I know for sure, he can read what a beautiful engraved in my heart.
Rain spilled without again. The wind becomes faster and faster as if mocking my bike is getting dragged.
"Nen .. we were sheltering in the hut alone bike soon to loom on the edge of the woods. Dried coconut leaves are torn into the roof visible in some parts. But it was still okay in the right corner there was a dry place.
Before we sat down on a bamboo bench was looking worn and a lot of the rest of the dry trees, clean up the bench with my hands, and with a haste that resulted in a small nail sticking my index finger cut. Fresh blood flow immediately.
"Yok ... oh ... your hands bleed"
"Well ... are?" my finger is removed from his mouth broke my memories. There was a slight sense of disappointment in my feelings. But shyness can push deep. Whether, since the incident in my house, I felt a tremendous closeness in between us. Less frequently discussed Neva Don, although my friends in front of teammate he seems deliberately shot her lover's longing for the end of the eye that occasionally stealing glances at me. Lover? Who? Don? I? I was afraid to answer that question and I never questioned it. I just believe,
"Hey .. do not be distracted dong, Mas!" greeting my wife gently but annoyance I felt inside.
"No ... just rain like this a long time ... we'll be stuck here yeahhhh!" while I hugged my wife.
There is great gratitude during pouring rain accompanied by a great wind.
Increasingly heavy rain dissolves our courtship. She pulled her mouth from my mouth "Yok ... but do not have to play it?". Numbly head.
Grung ... grung ... make our cars sound like a man possessed immediately fix our clothes. Breathing, we immediately sat down and talk obscure.
"Mbak .. Mas ...?" pack of good-hearted village elder who had stopped the car open like a deer. With a wry little smile we had to ride the car with my old bike in the back
"Well ... it rains like this makes us easy to catch cold, dizzy.'ll Get home let her children's father ordered son Iyok." Mr. ravine of kindness with a plain answer. I looked at each other and with a smile between amusement and dismay.
"Death is a challenge,
We confirm the death for forget the time,
Death tells us to tell each other right now that we love each other .... ... "
KKNku boarding house is also still the same. Wall of bricks, two bedroom (one for
"So ... mbok Iyok mas motor just replaced.
"Mau dong" as she woke up from sleep chicken. Thankfully, he's okay. Shortly after tea he spends up ...
"Yok!" whispered
" yuk?". Ah .. how much I want to be able to express his desire Neni like him.
Immediately lock the front door. And with half ran back to the room I Neva. As soon as I opened the room,
With reflex edges and small objects that were flushed tense.
"aaaahhhhh ... oh yes ... yes. uh ...... ahhhh .." pelvic
Blesss! I put my manhood into her femininity. Held both my buttocks and pulled into the hole deeper. While second beautiful hill, and hold my manhood with my love mempa extraordinary.
"Yok yok ... come on ... ... ah ... hold ... on .. oh yesssss!" lava then my manhood on top of him. Soon dioles-smeared across her body. Oh how beautiful and sexy she was ...
When Jane and my friends home,
"Mas .. back yok ya .. afternoon ..."
Evening wind brought me back to Solo, still rang clear whisper
"I was a storm and the ocean,
darkest forests and rugged mountains and wild .....
how badly always longing
in this place "
CCN month has finished. And during that time I did not meet the
I know it must have been speeding
Reading glasses to make her face became so interesting. The figure is remarkable intelligence combined with a voodoo womanhood.
I approached him and I spoke.
"Hey!" he replied dryly.
"Swim!" he said casually. I should have known, I can not bother him when it was a book in his hand. Let there bomb he would not budge. I just stopped looking at him, hoping he would look at me, but my hopes were in vain. He did not budge at all. Until a male figure coming toward us, Don!
"Hey .. Yok? Long?" he said warmly I just nodded with a smile that must be so strange.
Kriiing! Alarm clock to wake sleeping my chicken lunch. With lightning speed incredible I took a shower and immediately rushed to his backpack, Damn, why can pack Sutoyo faculty mentors make an appointment at 4 pm gini. We cleared the report-report Bambang banged on my door. "Yok ... I go first, probably next month's return," New gosh I remember this afternoon he's going to want to apply fiance
"Yes ... be careful ... greetings for Trisha!".
Not long later began pounding on my door again. Why else anyway? "What Mbang? There are missing?"
"Yok Ngg ... somebody got company!"
Why is the child, there are guest. Immediately I opened my door. As if there was a big lump in my throat isolate stone and I could hardly breathe it was made.
"hey ... be staying here?" he asked nonchalantly and without waiting for an answer he went into the room. Ah child was full of surprises. Like a dazed I did not even introduce Bambang, who hurried away.
"Mama Papa catch up to
"Until when?" I asked simply.
"You know, maybe a month. Mom and Dad's five weeks. Because they want to go to
Throughout the meeting with Mr. Sutoyo, not a second concentration to the proposal that I made. Unfortunately even my professor was just a long lecture about my theory is wrong. When the session was finished, the new I had three hours left in the house
"Shall we dance?". I put all my load like that and to wonder what my feelings are still covered hand, hug him with a longing that never ended. The scent of perfume Yves Saint Laurent more t arms. Every now and then kissed the hand very close. continues to embrace a song ended. As the second song began, suddenly looked up the woman who had been resting on my chest.
"Make love to me?
Fuck me with your soul ...
Take me into your blood
Let me continue to be a ghost who is always occupied one corner of the living heart ... "she whispered softly.
The words were like magic that blinded the whole joint consciousness. My hand down and gently touched his chest gently. Full lips lovingly kissed and immediately and I continued to crawl into his neck with warm kisses. Small bites on his chest sometimes make it stung. Cloth soaked in his chest immediately by kissing the top of his black and standing behind a faint white color. With a full resignation, she carried her to bed. I opened my shirt slowly and in seconds we existed in the ancient innocence. "Please ... explore me moaned as her feminine lips. For some reason I was so creative at that time. Immediately I took my belt and tied her hands and she shut my eyes while with batik scarf my mother who always brought. Oh God (is it appropriate to call me?) How exciting scene in my arms. I took chunks of ice cubes in plastic and I slam into the floor.!
"What's that noise?" she exclaimed in surprise. It does not answer the question with an answer but with a wild and warm kiss on her lips. My hand holding a lump of ice cubes and entire body with the ice like a tongue movements in sensitive places. "Arrgh .. ah ... ugh .. ugh!" he with great because of the sensation. When ice on top of a very stiff black hardened him groan "suction Uuuh ... ... please!" he moaned. Then into two peaks with a small bite bite. the wild. Then the ice was above feminine. Without be dammed again she moaned with great moans I'd never heard (ah maybe that time is not as free as the place). "Arrgh .. uh .. yessss ... oh ... oh ... oh .. great ... baby ..." when the ice is getting smaller yg put into play as a female and my tongue she moaned and begged
"Please Yok ... Fuck me .. come on .... ah ...." but I did not do it, I immediately crushed it with my tongue her femininity. Because his hands were tied she could not hold my head buried into her feminine and he uses his legs to pinch myself. Moaning harder when fluid in the female kuhisap, kujulurkan my tongue deeper into ... and in the ...
"Aaaaaaaaargh! ... Argh .... yesssssssssssssssss oh!" Kuhisap, kulumat with uncontrolled wildness. To hell with the hearing when I heard the door open. It must be Panca. True, perhaps because of hesitation, he immediately went into her room. She groans, getting harder as deep hole in my manhood to her femininity.
"Oh yesssssssss! ... Arghhhhhh!" he can not wriggle free, only that he lifted his hip high to be immersed deeper and deeper. When I opened my eyes and she immediately pushed the rope until I and revocation. She then squatted over my face upside down. Then with wild manhood deeply, at the same time can play my tongue.
"Ahh .. uh ... ah ..." so delicious extraordinary, growing wild in my manhood and occasionally small bites base. The second hill that hangs beautifully and soon I squeezed hard
"Ow ...." Cried the little time I twisted the stigma too hard.
"... Oh YESSSSSSSSS Aaargh!" lava is so fast out of my manhood, immediately liquid. Oh wonderful wonderful ... God .. I love her so much. And that night we continued to make love until the morning before.
It was almost 2 weeks
"Hey ... do not want Pan?"
"Huh hah mad!" my friend was so understanding while still grumble he entered the room as he continued his grumbling:
"!" then moan-groan again reveals among our sweat-sweat. Day- passed so beautiful. Until one afternoon, when I came home from college I was so shocked to see him packing.
"Where are you going ...?"
"Home," the short answer.
"Mama Papa've back?" he just shook his head.
"Tomorrow Don's home!"
Pyaaaar! Suddenly, my head spinning. There's anger suddenly. No, I'm not mad at him, I was just angry with this situation.
"Stay with me," I pleaded. I felt despair in it. She shook her head.
"No. Don would be upset if the house I was not there". Don, again Don!
Why the name is not lost from the heart. Not satisfied him with my love? Despair eventually accumulated with anger. I pulled her into my arms, I held her tightly. And he twitched with a puzzled look. Suddenly I hear my voice rising.
"No, you must stay!" saw the woman still shaking I was getting out of control. In my head just one, he must be mine, forever! And I regret my words out so far:
"So, I assume I . Should you pay me expensive,
Plaak! A slap landed on my cheek. I see tremendous anger in his eyes. His body trembled violently. I increasingly, and quickly flip h him with my body. He struggled and increasingly angry. Immediately I opened my pants and shorts as well panties. Then roughly the love of women with malignant.
"Oh .. no ..." Cries the more made up my mind. After all finished, I realized there Beads of water flowing from both eyes beautiful. Yes ... Lord What have I done to woman I loved very much in my life? Without saying he immediately i carrying his body and belongings she left without looking at least to me. That afternoon in the rain which fell all of a sudden, the last time I saw it. I was so sick ....
I tried dozens of times to see him to his house, but only the maid who came out and said away or a thousand other reasons.
Holding back pain I read the letter. Letter
"Don, my dear ...
Forgive me. When you read this letter I was in
Don, I hope you understand with this choice. I love you forever I love you. If you could meet Iyok, please tell me that I'm only sorry he could not feel my feelings to him ... just take care of yourself.
I'm just numb. Therefore, every year I would have bothered to go into the woods with a thousand rubber is one reason to my wife ....
Note: Five years ago, Panca've seen in Changi airport.
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1.What was the time of the day, when they set out for the next town?
2.How far was the next town from the village, according to the map?
3.Where was the next town situated?
4.Were they that would find a bed for the night in the next town?
5.Did darkness fall soon after they left the village?
6.Were they lucky not meet anyone as they were driving along the road that led?
7.How did they drive?
8.How was the road?
9.Did it become colder as they climber higher?
10.Why was it difficult to see the road?
11.Did the story teller drive the car?
12.How far had they traveled when the car suddenly stop?
13.Why did the car stop?
14.What kind the car stop?
15.Who was a poor did they bring?
16.What did John do to kill the the time?
17.What did John see from the top of the hill?
18.What did they do before they push the car?
19.Why could the car run without petrol?
20.How long did it take to reach the town?
Answer :
1.It was late in the afternoon
2.The next town, was 50 minutes fron the village according to the map
3.The next town was situated
4.we were sure that we would find a bed for the night in the next town
5.darkness fell soon after we leftthe village
6.we were lucky not to met
7.we were driving swiftly
8.it became cloudy and winding
9.because the rain began to fall
10.it was difficult, because the rain began fall
11.no, he didn’t
12.we had traveled 20miles away then we suddenly stop
13.because it empty our petrol
14.biscuit and chocolate
16.walking to the top of hill
17.John saw lights of the town in the village below
18.we unloaded the road
19.because the road down to hill
20.in quarter of the hour
A.the story teller asked John to drive slowly because rain began to fall
B.John went for a walk because poor sleep
C.“I saw lights of the below the hill” said John after he had run back to the car
D.The unloaded the machine so that it would be easier to push it to the top of the hill
E.They would have spent the night in the car if john had not to seen the light of the town
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